Reamember: A Language Learning Tool for Smooth Reading

Enhancing Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Building

Inspired by the challenges of language and cultural immersion, designer Tianyi Qi introduces Reamember, a mobile application that aims to revolutionize language learning. By seamlessly integrating reading comprehension and vocabulary building, Reamember provides a holistic learning experience for users.

Reamember is designed to address the common struggle of language learners when encountering unfamiliar words while reading. Qi, who personally experienced this challenge upon arriving in the United States, sought to create a tool that would enhance the reading flow without sacrificing vocabulary acquisition.

The key strength of Reamember lies in its ability to bridge the gap between reading comprehension and vocabulary building. The mobile application allows users to effortlessly explore online content that aligns with their reading interests. While reading, an embedded dictionary provides instant access to the meaning of unfamiliar words, ensuring a smooth reading experience.

What sets Reamember apart from other language learning apps is its non-interfering approach. Rather than interrupting the reading flow, users can save unfamiliar words to their personal wordbook for later review. This allows learners to focus on the text at hand while still building their vocabulary in a convenient and efficient manner.

Reamember also offers a unique community feature, where users can explore articles and learning resources shared by fellow language learners. This fosters a sense of community and provides additional opportunities for language practice and growth.

The development of Reamember was guided by extensive research and user interviews. Qi conducted interviews with English learners to understand their reading habits, challenges, and coping strategies. The research revealed that unfamiliar words were a significant obstacle for language learners, often disrupting their reading flow. However, when learners had access to immediate information about unfamiliar words, their reading experience improved.

Reamember was developed for iOS systems, utilizing a combination of a browser and dictionary functionalities. The app also features an auto-update feature for the community tab, ensuring users have access to fresh and relevant content.

Recognized for its innovative approach, Reamember was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Mobile Technologies, Applications, and Software Design category in 2022. This prestigious award acknowledges designs that demonstrate creativity, resourcefulness, and a commitment to improving quality of life.

With Reamember, language learners can now enjoy a seamless reading experience while simultaneously expanding their vocabulary. By integrating reading comprehension and vocabulary building, this mobile application offers a unique and effective tool for language acquisition.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Tianyi Qi
Image Credits: Image #1: Photographer by Spencer Davis on Unsplash; Photographer by Melissa McGovern on Unsplash; Photographer by Obi - @pixel6propix on Unsplash; Photographer Jeremy Yap on Unsplash; Photographer Sincerely Media on Unsplash; Photographer ELLA DON on Unsplash; Photographer Matthias Heyde on Unsplash; Image #2: Photographer by Spencer Davis on Unsplash; Photographer by Melissa McGovern on Unsplash; Photographer by Obi - @pixel6propix on Unsplash; Image #3: Photographer Photo by Obi - @pixel6propix on Unsplash; Image #5: Photographer Jeremy Yap on Unsplash; Photographer Sincerely Media on Unsplash; Photographer ELLA DON on Unsplash; Photographer Matthias Heyde on Unsplash; Photographer by Melissa McGovern on Unsplash;
Project Team Members: Tianyi Qi
Project Name: Reamember
Project Client: Tianyi Qi

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